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사례 (소인배)

Today I think it is necessary to talk with you about the theme of"How to get rid of filth and villains". Many friends have asked me how to "clean the spirit" or "get off the villain", in the Yuan Chen palace is to remove our spider webs,dust, karmic creditors and so on. Simply speaking, it is to remove negative energy. In the corner of Yuan Chen palace, there will be soil, burned things or braziers, which are some manifestation phenomena. For example, in the past, there were always emotional stuck points in some cases, in-depth examination revealed that she had an abortion in the past, it may also form a small filth if it is not handled properly. In today's client, her purpose is to get rid of filth. This client believes that she has emotional problems and has not been able to find the reason, she feels depressed all the time.It can be seen that her self-awareness is still perceptive, but she cannot find the root cause and solution. At that time, I thought whether it is related to her background of leaving home, she came from the second and third-tier cities to the first-tier city and feel helplessness, homesickness. When I asked her what she needed to adjust, she said, "All aspects needed, but I can't say what to deal with, but I just feel that I'm not interested in anything, I can't be happy, I'm very dissatisfied and very depressed."This tells me that her overall energy field is very low, and the overall luck is not good, so she needs to adjust from the overall situation.In this case, the spiritual master is like a cleaner, who needs to clean up her old dirt in depth, and needs to clean up many times.The difficulty coefficient of this kind of service is relatively high,usually the spiritual master needs to constantly consolidate the situation of the case, and he also needs to maintain a high energy state. To put it simply, the values or certain concepts of the client have been maintained for many years, and if you want to update or change them, you need to change the ego of the client .These accumulated viewpoint are not easy to change, you need to constantly remind and consolidate, so that the client can persist in doing homework, develop new habits, until the client is completely internalized, so that the energy can be stable. Therefore, patience is the most necessary trait for a spiritual master in this situation. Trust and cooperation are the most important parts of the client. This is a face-to-face view of the Yuan Chen Palace. As soon as enters her Yuan Chen palace, I can see the sky is cloudy and the wind is very big, Yuan Chen palace is a cabin. In the past, although the Yuan Chen Palace in some cases were relatively small, they could see the brick and tile structure, which was relatively strong. But this individual cabin in the strong wind, it seems easy to be blown away. At that time, I immediately had a subjective judgment-this case had the idea of "committing suicide". So I asked her, whether or not at ordinary times she's mind instability and uncertain thoughts, a lot of distractions, so she is not very good on. She doesn't seem to understand me.So I took her into her hall and found that there was no light in her hall, which seemed to be a serious problem. Then I decided to grope my way in and look for another room. Suddenly I felt the switch of a wall lamp, turned it on, and found her patron saint in a very dark Palace. Fortunately, her patron saint did not agree with her idea of suicide, but also wanted to help her, hoping to help her prolong her life. look Carefully, can find her usual no Buddha, no faith, but also good the patron saint, then ask the patron saint to install a lantern for her, so that her fortune is light .But the patron saint did not agree to do so, meaning that only if there is such a willingness to request individual client, can God help. So I let the client calm down and personally said to the patron saint what I needed and asked God for help. From there I suddenly found that the patron saint gave us the message that people should love themselves first. If she continues this men tality is not willing to love themselves, the patron saint is unable to install a lamp for her, because the patron saint must respect her personal will, cannot be forced. Then I let her communicate with the patron saint, let the patron saint to install lights for her, at this time the client into the Yuan Chen Palace of the spiritual state, and the patron saint talked for a long time and more excited. She said that the patron saint teased her, saying that if you install the lamp and return tothe original state, it is useless. So when she decided to cooperate with the patron saint, the patron saint put the lamp on. At this time, we can see that the whole living room is very bright and the patron saint has become very tall. As the fortune (fortune in the living room) to adjust the time used more, so I suggest that she can adjust the very concerned part.At this time, her mentality seemed to be relatively relaxed, and the whole person was happy. Next, I think I should adjust the tree of life,balance her physical and mental state, so as to raise the overall state.There are many people who pursue the ascension of mental state, but intentionally or unintentionally neglect physical state, or some people who are in very good physical state, but do not attach importance to the prosperity of mental state. In fact, both imbalances are prone to the fluctuation of the overall frequency. Simply speaking, it is difficult to have a stable and peaceful mind. At this time, the case suddenly said:" No, I want to see my career.I want to go to the study room." Before that she is still ignorant do not know what they want to tune, in the adjustment of the fortune, she knows what they attach most importance to.” This shows that her ice breaking and communication with the patron saint are very important. On the way to the study room, I found that her career was not so smooth, her study room door needs to be sorted out from top to bottom and the door is closed. This shows that she was attacked by more people, often tempered by others. This client of Yuan Chen Palace without a housekeeper, that is, do not love themselves a manifestation. At this time, she felt that there was always someone following her, and she asked if it was a bad person. I said that as long as you can see the situation that can be handled, you don't have to be afraid. Then we saw a man standing respectfully behind her. She asked:"Who are you?" The man said: "I'm your housekeeper." The client was dubious and asked me if it was true. After I had confirmed it, she said to the housekeeper: "You have been working hard all the time." Then she saw a flattered expression on the housekeeper's face. So she asked me: " Should I send something as a thank you?" I said:" Yes, ah,you look in your pocket whether there is something to send? " At this time the client from his pocket took out a watch, and then gave the housekeeper. The housekeeper acted very happy, and after receiving the ift, he cleaned the door of the study room. At this time,the door was opened. Open the door only to find that the client subconscious should not want to open the door to go in, because once in the study room found a lot of offensive things-broadsword, big gun. The chair is not stable and shaking left and right. So I asked her if many of her colleagues had been "United" against her recently? In fact, in the hall and study room see no window and very dark,know her communication ability is not good, this is unwilling to open to people. So it's not very popular in real life. Because the popularity is not good, so many colleagues will feel that she is always alone, do not talk to people, every day she is garrulous only think about their own things. After communicating and adjusting with the patron saint, she will find that her status is very different. "I wouldn't want to be friends with someone with that personality." she says. She's aware of her problems, so the adjustment will be easier than before, and the energy work will be better. Then I found some certificates in the drawer of her desk, and looked carefully at the certificates of customs declaration and tax declaration. When I asked her if she worked in the financial industry,she said that she had to take a lot of certificates when she went to college. I said that she should update these certificates in her resume,which will be useful for job hopping and promotion in the future. But she always felt that certificates were useless and could not be used in the financial industry. And I think God has a point in manifesting this in the Yuan Chen Palace. Finally, she found a lot of problems in her bookcase and desk(too many little people), changed chairs, and added ink to the printer without ink (idle state, no execution).Although the study room is very small, but there is a large mahogany chair, we asked the housekeeper to carry out a comprehensive clean-up and left the Yuan Chen Palace. After adjustment, the case opens herself, and the popularity becomes better than before, and people in the department can be integrated. In the 21 days after the adjustment, she did her homework carefully, in the second adjustment, she was in very good condition, and the housekeeper also met her at the gate of Yuan Chen Palace. After the fourth adjustment, six months later, her company appeared in other industrial chains, in addition to the financial sector and other sectors, and she was transferred to other sectors, that is, to do customs declaration. The three-year veteran employee was transferred to the past, immediately at the level of supervisor. She was particularly happy about this, and finally realized that opportunities were reserved for those who were prepared, and that the manifestation of the Yuan Chen Palace at that time was also reasonable. When she is willing to make friends sincerely and trust,the opportunity will come to you, and others will naturally recommend her to a better position. She said that this period of time is just to be yourself, very frank with others, others will begin to be frank with herself, appreciate their frankness. She gradually felt that opening her heart and making friends was a particularly happy thing, and her evaluation of herself was getting better and better. I wish her a prosperous life and career in the future!

조회수 137회댓글 5개

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Unknown member
Sep 20, 2021

병자에 신약인데,살아온 환경도 힘들었던지라 늘 불안함과 난 행복하지 못할거란 생각들과 무슨일이 일어날거같은 최악의 경우만 생각하며 살게되니, 성격도 더 예민해지고, 내 자신을 사랑할 줄도 모르고, 비관적인 성격으로 날카로운 어른답지못한 어른으로..아내에..엄마가 되어있는데..뭔가 오늘 이 내용을 보니,, 원진궁을 보면 나의 모습을 알게될 그 두려움이 컸는데..그런 나의 모습들이 교정이 되서 앞으로 남은 삶들을 살아가는데 나아질수 있다면...한번 해보고 싶은 용기가 좀 더 생기네요.. 엄청 많은 조정과..행여나 조정이 안될수도 있겠죠


Unknown member
Sep 20, 2021

감명깊네요 ㅎㅎ 원진궁을 통해서 읽혀진 내면의 상태가 거의 일치한다는게 신기해요. 신기... 그녀가 내면의 어려움들을 극복하고 더 나은 삶으로 나아가서 참 다행이네요!


Unknown member
Sep 20, 2021

신약, 극신약 들은 신강 이상의 분들보다 에너지가 어찌되었건 약한거나 정말 기가 빠진 상태인가요? 신약 극신약들은 그렇다고 에너지를 채우고 끌어 올리는 것도 그렇게 좋지는 않겠네요. 단지 아주 미약해도 가지고 있는 에너지 정화를 하는 정도가 깨끗하게 만드는게 신약 극신약 에게는 더 효율적이겠네요 그러먼...


Unknown member
Sep 20, 2021

몇번이나조정해서 인생이개선되었네요. 근데 결국 자아의 문제가 가장크네요. 원진궁은 그 에너지를 조정해주는군요.


Unknown member
Sep 19, 2021

음....쿵푸팬더가 떠오르죠 왜 ^^ spiritual master 랑 시푸랑 비스무레 ㅋㅋ 믿고 따른다.. 목표를 정하고 안정을 얻으려 이렇게 하겠죠? "운영을 피하려 선택한 길에서 운명을 만난다" 던데 운명을 개선하려 태한 원진궁에서 정연을 만나나 보네요...소설 같은 이야기 같아요. 전 다 부치고 쿵푸팬더 시청.....ㅋㅋ 삼천포로 가는 회원 입니다 ㅋ

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